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Long-term Water Quality and Stream Nutrient Responses to Forest Harvest and Disturbance at US Forest Service Experimental Forests and Ranges. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. 2008 .
Stream Nutrient Responses to Forest Harvest and Disturbance: Lessons from Long-Term Research at USFS Experimental Forests. North American Forest Ecology Workshop, Logan, UT. 2009 .
Synthesizing nutrient data across the US Forest Service Experimental Forest and Range Network-Methodological challenges and opportunities. National Water Quality Monitoring Conference, Denver, CO. 2010 .
Synthesizing stream chemistry data. XXV IUGG General Assembly: Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, Melbourne, Australia. 2011 .
Variability in stream nitrogen at US Forest Service Experimental Forests and relevance to proposed stream nutrient criteria. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (USA). 2011 .
Effects of forests disturbances on stream nitrate concentrations. Ecological Society of America 97th Annual Meeting, Portland, OR (USA). 2012 .
Temporal Trends in Stream N Concentrations and Biogeochemical Responses to Disturbances in Long-Term Reference Watersheds. National Water Quality Monitoring Conference, Portland, OR. 2012 .